Monday, July 24, 2006

We are in trouble

Why say this? Why be such a pessimist? History.
We live in a country where we can forget we are at war. We watch baseball instead. And basketball. And football. And American Idol.

Whole segments of the population totally avoid military service. Because its dangerous. This is nothing new, by the way -- just ask all the politicians that received deferments back in the days of Vietnam.

We choose not to face these things in the face of day-to-day living. Because reality can be brutal. And we don't like brutal. Abortion is brutal reality; let's not deal with it and instead hide behind words like "choice."

But eventually events catch up with us that shatter our perfect little world. Just ask those metro New Yorkers that worked in the World Trade Center. Evil is a part of man; it is a part of our world. We can deal with it or we can ignore it until it is too late. And we really like to ignore it.

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