Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good riddance, 2008. Welcome, 2009!

What a bummer of a year this turned out to be. The major Presidential candidates had almost zero appeal, the economy tanks, and our so-called right-winger President injects enough cash into the banking system to make FDR blush. Personally I only lose about 40% of the 401k, it might have been more if I hadn't borrowed against it last year. Well, I'm retooling for 2009. Belt-tightening and refocusing. Learning from my past mistakes. Hope you will too.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Twitter= whats all the tweeting about?

Today I trying to learn something new. I had hear about Twitter before, but my eyes just sort of glazed over the way they do when I think about the time Jessica spends on MySpace and Facebook. This looks a tool grownups can use too.