Saturday, October 22, 2005

so much going on

There's so much going on it's hard to comment on everything.
Such as -- is Harriet Miers withdrawing (or going to be withdrawn?)
The CIA leaks info to try and get Karl Rove and the White House.
Journalists deliberately distort the burning body story and embellish for additional anti-US effect.
Republican senators can't say no to spending. (Hint: Which IN senator voted for the Coburn Amendment? It wasn't the Republican...gee I remember getting a re-election fund-raising e-mail from him just recently.)
Idiot lefties plan to celebrate milestone 2000th death of US soldier in Iraq/Afghanistan.
Yet another hurricane. (Watch out for Alpha?)
CBS news continues to be a sad joke. (not really surprising)
Bengals vs. Steelers -- finally something important!

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