Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Indict! Indict!

The lynch mob gathers, hoping to get the object of their frustrations, Karl Rove. They are convinced he is the brains of the White House, and Bush will collapse without him. And hatred for Bush comes before ALL else, even the welfare of the country.
Never mind there was no crime. Never mind the so-called conspiracy to obstruct justice essentially was one conversation from a couple of years prior that wasn't recollected. Do you remember everyone you talked to last week? Last month? Six months ago?
And never mind both Clintons conveniently "couldn't recall" over 250 times when it suited their purposes. The complicity of the mainstream press is stunning -- the relevant facts were laid out months ago, yet the central allegations are repeated again and again, as if nothing is known about Joseph Wilson, or his wife, or Judith Miller.
Oh yeah, the press doesn't like Rove or Bush, either. A lot of them probably thought Fahrenheit 911 was real investigative journalism, too.

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