Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break

Spring break is here...this year we aren't going anywhere far away. Just Coconut Joes on Tuesday. I'll try to get caught up on a few things I have let slide. My basketball picks are doing well if North Carolina wins out I got a real chance to win the bracket pool.
I haven't been making too many political comments lately, mostly because all the news is so depressing. I fear that our new administration is running this country straight into the ground. The level of spending and subsequent taxation required to pay for all this does nothing but saddle our kids with a debt so enormous that we will eventually return to serfdom, with only a few well connected people able to live a decent life by the standards we have come to expect here. People are cutting back and they probably should have a long time ago. Easy credit snared me and millions of others, but sooner or later the bill comes. We have not addressed the 50 trillion dollar time-bomb that is social security liabilities. We are talking about nationalized healthcare (again) that will ultimately end up rationing care. We have people seriously talking about a cap and trade program to address a non-existance carbon problem, that will drive up electric costs about 50%. He wants to make peace with Iran which can only be done by sacificing Isreal (as if they wouldn't defend themselves.) He's gonna give MORE benefits to illegal aliens here while the people who choose to follow the rules are still waiting to get in to the US. Were gonna buy him a new fleet of Marine One helicopters and keep fueling Nancy Pelosi's personal USAF jetliner (a 767 i believe). Meanwhile, we are gonna pay higher gas taxes and more for gas because (once again) no drilling is allowed anywhere (did anyone really think they were gonna let it happen anyway?) And oh yeah, those rules Clinton signed in the 90's for welfare reform, you remember, the ones that said you have to WORK? There gone, too. So lets bail out some more wealthy executives in the financial sector because its for our own good and we wouldn't want to cut off our nose to spite our face, as he said on 60 Minutes on Sunday.
Personally, I expect a disaster worse than any in our lifetime, and it will be sooner rather than later. Can government be contained? At least up to this point no one seems up to the task.

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