So Arnold has denied clemency for Tookie Williams. It's real hard to bring myself to feel sorry for this cold-blooded killer, even though I'm opposed to the death penalty. Don't take that to mean I'm somehow soft on criminals; I all for putting guys like this on a chain gang in a Northern Alaska gulag. I just don't think we accomplish much by bringing ourselves down to the level of the killer. Instead, I will try to do the Christian thing and pray for his soul and the souls of the people he slaughtered. If I can bring myself to do it.
what would your christ do?...don't hypocritize your so called religeon by worshipping and following a certain savior, then doing the exact opposite of what your savior taught...the prison system is ,yes, a punishment, taking those out of society who do not deserve to be a part of it...but when someone exibits sign of reform (in this case tookie's nomination for nobel prize) they should be granted some kind of clemency to carry on your so called "christian" work...arnold's been selling vilence and killing for years and has gotten rich from it (remember terminator, etc?)...get a grip hillbilly america...i mean...keep voting for the likes of george bush.
I've been called worse than a "hillbilly" and maybe even derserved it. And I'm not sure what you've got against Christ or Christians, but I'm sure I can count on you and your ilk to continue to support the likes of John "seared, seared" Kerry.
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